Vanessa F. Tan Cardoso

Python developer / data scientist / data analyst / data engineer because corporations are confused 

Recovering data scientist. Excel addled. This is my less LinkedIn-y page!

Likes learning new things, social virtual reality spaces, fitness and cats.

Stack: Python (pandas, seaborn, flask, django), Postgres. Sometimes, I am asked to scrape using Beautiful Soup and Selenium. Not my favorite task, but sometimes it has to be done. I also (painstakingly) learned how to deploy this blog using docker, jenkins and a remote Linux server. I can do very basic html and css, but frontend is probably my weakness. I remember trying Flutter but quit because the app looked ugly.

I am currently upskilling to learn django + React because I missed coding (although I don't think I am very good at it.

I would love to work on maps and engineering-related domains in general. If I did not need money, I'd be working on funny image generators, fixing an in-game avatar with Blender or Unity or coding a silly project.

Jane Doe


2022 - 2023
GfK Philippines
Make web apps for the team, make dashboards for the operations team, do ETL tasks, participate in quality checks and data scraping to maintain GfK's data warehouse. Basically, anything but the job title. Was also asked to PMO but just because I am older than the team, it doesn't mean I am already capable of leading a technical team.
2013 - 2014
Geotechnical Engineer
Verify test and field data and derive technical reports and analyses for contractors and clients involved in both private construction and major infrastructure projects. Tools used are Excel, Liquefy Pro, All Pile and MathCAD. The thing is, field data gathered here in the Philippines have no standardization. Are you sure that SPT N is really N60, bro?
2013 - 2014
Geotechnical Engineer - Bauer Foundations Philippines Inc.
Developed spreadsheets and calculation reports to aid BFPI foundation design. Most stressful but most high-impact job I've ever taken.
2012 - 2013
Design Engineer - Fluor Daniel Philippines Incorporated
Checked client-supplied data and peer calculations, and developed spreadsheet for geotechnical calculations. If you're that engineer who is capable enough to get into Fluor, good for you. This company is one of the best in the industry.
2009 - 2011
Chiyoda Philippines Corporation
Produced and checked design calculations for oil and gas plants. Taught me a lot of "Excel programming", gender equality and work-life balance. IYKYK.